Hui Hui : Portraiture "LOST"

Have an image in mind and a photo shoot with a theme call "LOST". Location of shoot will be at Sematan near the birding place as the available lights there just awesome. the problem is only the millions of mossy...

Get to the place is easy as accessible by road, one might think that this place is nothing. For me, Its a great place since its windy and under shade with sunlight shine through still. Didn't setup any strobe or reflector for this shot as the available lights just death on awesome. Few shot required me to climb a tree. sad that I don't have wide angle anymore.. will just do with 70-200mm f2.8.

Anyhow, the idea is "LOST" its up to your interpretation. This below pictures is my interpretation. Mostly capture in B&W setting using Canon 50D. Thanks to Hui Hui agree to be my model and taking my idea..