A year ago we first meet up for portraits session but Abby & Matthias wasn't the main subject, its their pet dog Zoe. That was for SSPCA 2014 calendar which I contributed my time for charity purposes.
This time round, it's Abby & Matthias turn. We headed to downtown for casual simple portraits session. Our aim are just to have fun and having great time. Its pouring during the session, luckily we're in beautiful shade at Drunk Monky Bar. Once the rain stop, we head out to the surrounding area on foot.
Weeks before the session, Abby told me of her plan to includes Zoe & Uno in the session. That really excited me!! Been awhile since last met Zoe, not only that get to met Uno too :) Lovely dog who always love his toy.
Here I share with you few of my favorites from Abby & Matthias session. Can't wait to photograph moments on their wedding day.